My apologies...I still haven't figured out how to type next to pictures, so please bear with me.... The photo on top is a stunning mother and child, dressed for a hot afternoon in town. At the time, and still now, they don't look even look real!
The photo of the pregnant woman ins my favorite. She is actually posing for another photographer in this shot. She is standing in the garden that serves as a memorial for the 170 or so people who died in the earthquake. There is such a peaceful expression on her face; she seems content in her life and the life she's carrying.
The picture of the couple walking together was another of my favorites. They had just posed for a picture and were walking away from the photographer. Not only are they beautiful people, but they look so happy! I fell completely in love with them after seeing this photo!
And finally, there is a picture of a couple riding old bicycles. I chose to include this picture only because I liked it...not for any significant or profound reason.
I hope you enjoy my pictures as much as I did taking them! Take care!