Sunday, April 5, 2009

gone so soon??

Where does the time go anyway? In just a few short days, I will be saying my goodbyes at Havelock North High School and heading to the South Island with Peter for two weeks of holiday (as well as meeting up with my mum**that's right- they say mum here**about halfway through those two weeks). After that, it's home for me. I can't believe how fast this has all gone. I also can't believe that I've kept up with this blog...I'm actually patting myself on the back as I'm typing this. I hope you have all enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed updating it! I'm sad to be leaving NZ, but am so excited to see all of your lovely faces again! For the complete history of my trip, you will be required to purchase one cup of coffee and sacrifice at least one hour of your day. :) Just kidding! But seriously, I will add more stories and pictures when I get home in the end of April so you don't have to buy me a cup of coffee if you don't want to...

Oh and by the way, I'm looking for summer work, so if any of you hear of something that's available, just let me know! I hope you have all had a wonderful winter!

1 comment:

  1. We will make a giant pot of coffee and have a slide-show with everyone!
    We are looking forward to your return. And you couldn't be coming home at a better time of year. --Kristi
